Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 27th,   2014 Blog
Spring Session, Week 2
Welcome to the Spring 2014 Session of our Ready, Set Read! Blog, Week 2!  We have lots of things to share from our different programs for you to try with your little ones at home. 

Baby Rhyme Time!
We are having fun with your little one this week!  We read Peek-a-Moo by Marie Torres Cimarusti and That’s Not My Teddy by Fiona Watt.
Here are some songs that we used in our program for you to use at home…  

Rhyme: Hands Up High (Tune: London Bridge)
First we wave our hands up high,
Hands up high, hands up high.
First we wave our hands up high,
Then we clap them.
Then we wave our hands down low,
Hands down low, hands down low.
Then we wave our hands down low,
Then we hide them!

Rhyme: I See You (Tune: Frere Jacques)
Baby is hiding, baby is hiding,
Away from me, away from me.
Where can he be?  Where can he be?
Peekaboo.  I see you.

To continue the fun at home, explore different movement games and rhymes such as the traditional song “Where is Thumbkin”. 

Wonderful Ones
This week we are having some Springtime fun with our little ones!  Some books that we read this week are:  Who’s Hiding? by Sebastien Braun and A Garden of Opposites by Nancy Davis. 
Here are some songs that we used in our program for you to use at home… 

Rhyme: Sun is peeking out. Peek!

Sun is peeking out. Peek!

Sun is peeking our. Peek
Peeking here, peeking there,
Sun is peeking out, peek! 

Rhyme: Rain is falling down. Splash!
Rain is falling down. Splash!
Pitter patter, pitter patter
Rain is falling down. Splash!

Continue the fun at home by singing the traditional fingerplay, The Itsy Bitsy Spider!


Terrific Twos!

This week is all about Kagaroos!  Here are some books to read to with your child that goes along with our theme: Who Are You Baby Kangaroo? by Stella Blackstone and Pouch! By David Ezra

Here are some songs and rhymes we used in our program this week….

Rhyme: Kangaroo (fingerplay)
Jump, jump, jump (jump 2 fingers on other hand)
Goes the kangaroo (jump)   
I thought only one (hold up one finger)            
but now I see two! (hold up two fingers)            
Mommy and her baby 
with his head popping out (wiggle thumb from fist)
He holds on tight (hug self)
As they jump all about! (jump 2 fingers again)

Rhyme: If I were a kangaroo baby (use puppets) 
I’d stay with my mommy all day.
Curled up in her little pouch
as we hopped along our way.
Everyone would call me joey,
until I got bigger – then they would stop
because I would come out of my mommy’s pouch
with a hop, hop, hop.

To extend our theme at home, talk about how Kangaroos move.  Have fun with your little one hopping around like Kangaroos!

1, 2, 3, Go!
This week we are talking about Colors! We read the following during our story time: Where is the Green Sheep? by Mem Fox and the prop story, Little Mouse, Little Mouse are you in the red house?

Rhyme: Colors (twice)
If your clothes have any red
Put your finger on your head
If your clothes have any blue
Put your finger on your shoe.
If your clothes have any green
Wave your hand so you'll be seen
If your clothes have any yellow,
Smile like a happy fellow
If your clothes have any brown,
Turn your smile into a frown.
If your clothes have any black,
Put your hands behind your back.
If your clothes have any white,
Clap your hands with all your might

Baa, baa, black sheep,
Have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir,
Three bags full.
One for the master,
One for the dame,
And one for the little girl
Who lives down the road.
To extend our theme at home read the book, What Makes a Rainbow by Betty Schwartz.

Story Mix for 3-6
We are talking about Bears this week!  A couple of books we read are We Were Tired Of Living In a House by Liesel Moak Skorpen and Where Is Bear? by Leslea Newman. 

The little bears are sleeping, sleeping, sleeping
The little bears are sleeping in their caves.
The little bears all open their eyes, open their eyes, open their eyes
The little bears all open their eyes and look around.
The little bears all sit up, sit up, sit up
The little bears all sit up and stretch out their arms
The little bears all stand up, stand up, stand up
The little bears all stand up and peek out of their cave.
The little bears all creep out, creep out, creep out
The little bears all creep out and look for something to eat.
The little bears all pick up berries, pick up berries, pick up berries
The little bears all pick up berries and put them in their mouths.  

Here is the beehive, where are the bees?  (Hold two hands together.)
Hidden away where nobody sees.
Now they come creeping out of the hive:
One, two, three, four, five, buzzzzzzz

To extend our Bear theme at home, pretend to be a bear waking up from Winter’s hibernation!  What would a bear do when they wake up?  What would they eat?  Have fun play acting this activity!

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